Hi to you all, I wish you all a happy and healthy new year in 2021.
The reason for this post is to share with you my thoughts over my break.
With the year we had in 2020 and the pandemic taking hold all over the world my mind and body needed a well-earned rest. It is amazing on how we all keep going then once you take your foot off the accelerator and hit the brakes it gives you time to sit back, smell the roses, let the dust settle and work out what is important. I have had that chance to do that over my holidays, and my motto for 2021 is: “take time for yourself and be in the present”.
In my break, I was able to switch off and do the things I love the most. I have had the chance to sleep in, visit a lot of coffee shops, have extra gym sessions, play golf, and spend time with family and close friends; even do a bit of retail shopping for that therapeutic feel-good vibe. I feel rejuvenated and ready to hit the ground running.
Looking at my bookings, I’m currently booked out until early March. I want to thank everyone again for their great patronage including the new clients that have booked. If you have a gift voucher, don’t panic there is no use-by date, you can use them any time.
The dry needling course I spoke about in my last post, I am going to err on the side of caution. I was thinking of doing course early in 2021, but now with the new variant from the UK, I’ll have to have the vaccine before I’m comfortable flying interstate, it’s not worth the risk. I’ll keep you posted once I decide when to go.
Rebranding my business – Currently, I am looking at a new uniform change and hat and changing the colours around with a bit of extra embroidery, a towel colour change, subtle change to my business cards and a new image or wording in the logo, I’m excited with these in the pipeline.
I am looking at rewording my keynote on the website homepage, google and my business Facebook page to hit my niche market in remedial massage and deep tissue.
A question I get asked a lot by clients is how do you work week in week out over a long period. I’ll share the answer with you, there are five things that I do that helps make this happen.
-Passion, I’m still as passionate as the first day I qualified back in 2000, I strive to give excellence in my profession.
-Fitness plays a huge part in my deliverance of remedial and deep tissue work, I mean by that the strength and conditioning I do in the gym plus my stretching and joint loosening and my aerobic fitness which enables me to do 40 plus treatments week after week. Not losing anything from my first client to my last client of the day or at the end of the week.
-Diet Plays a huge part of the amount of my energy I can output. I keep it quite simple with 6 meals, all portioned that include carbs, protein, nuts, fruit, and my caffeine shot once a day followed by lots of water to fend off dehydration, once you start licking your lips you are on the way to be dehydrated.
-Sleep Is especially important to me. I require around at least 8 hours to reboot me after a solid day’s work.
-Outcomes for my clients, when a client comes to the clinic and has had an ongoing issue or even just a just a small issue, seeing them get better after a treatment motivates me greatly.
I hope that has answered the question for you all 🙂
Until next post
Steve Campbell Your Remedial Therapist