Lower Back
- Aching lower back going into the top of the buttocks
- Range of motion test to the left and right
- Bending forward or backwards
- Lateral rotations to the left and right
- Neurologic tests to dispel nerve pain and disc involvement
- Straight leg raise
- Kering test for spinal cord
- Sacroiliac compression
Remedial Techniques
- Petrissage to totally warm the area and get blood flowing
- Kneading soft tissue to soften
- Long elongated stroking
- Cross fibre friction to the affected sight
- Trigger points around the area and surrounding areas to minimize pain
- Counter strain bunching up the fibres which means bringing them together
- Slight stretch and hold
Number of treatments
- Acute: 1-3
- Serve: 1-5
- Depending on what grade of injury presented.
- Shooting pain going up to neck
- Lack of range of movement to the left and the right
- Examination, Rotation L & R, Flexion, Extension, Lateral L & R. Once we have done these movements on range of movement i can the pinpoint the muscle or muscle groups that need to be treated Remedially I also like to do a specials test to rule out neural activity from the vertebrae
Remedial Techniques
- Warm up the area with rowing stokes. Petrisagge kneading the soft tissues Frictions going across fibre to break adhesion Trigger points to release muscle groups around the effected area. myofascial release slow deep movement to muscle Stretch by the therapist to encourage length in the tissue.
Number of treatments
- Acute: 1-3
- Serve: 1-5
- Depending on how long the injury was sustained.
- Shoulder pain. The most common shoulder pain is pain in between your shoulder blade. Pain can radiate underneath the blade and can also go up to the trapezium and across to the tip of the shoulder.
- Range of motion in flexion extension, adduction, abduction, external rotation, internal rotation. Testing all these movements gives me a precise indication what is going on in the shoulder. Special tests may be included to rule out neural activity.
Remedial Techniques
- Rowing stokes, petrissage, frictions, trigger points, counterstrains, contract relax, joint articulation, stretching.
Number of treatments
- Acute: 1-3
- Serve: 1-5
- Depending on how long the injury was sustained.