Hi everyone. I have just completed another wonderful course on the weekend under the guidance of Kym finch.
Kym has 20 years of experience and has formulated this therapy in her own clinic Know as Finch Therapy.
The course was about headaches and the relationship they have with c1, c2 & c3 in the neck and the myofascial slings with the cervical spine facet joint mobility. By putting a little bit of pressure on the facet joints you can feel the stiffness in it which then relates to the myofascial sling to the hamstring c1 Gluteus Medius C2 and Piriformis at c3. By working the fascial sling with 20 neuromuscular contractions 20 times sends a message to the brain and back to the joint to release the pain in the neck. I had the treatment performed on me in the seminar and I could not get over how my neck felt and how the tension released after having the cervical spine facet joints done at C1, C2 & C3.
I will be using these new techniques in assessing the neck for any one that comes in for cervical headaches.
Kym also gave us more techniques on realising TMJ pain in the jaw, Suboccipital pain at the base of the skull, plus counter strains to the small muscle groups in the posterior and lateral neck as well.
I have come away from this course armed with some fabulous techniques for you and my clinic.
I look forward to Treating you soon.
Steve Campbell Remedial Therapist